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The program “Vietnam-Nepal International Student Exchange” is for those who are passionate about cuisine and want to explore new horizons. The program is entitled “GLOBAL FOOD TRENDSETTERS”.

This course is delivered by Pegasus International College (PIC), Vietnam through a partnership agreement with KW Education Pty Ltd trading as Pegasus UniCollege RTO 31984, (PUC). It is delivered and assessed entirely in English, with most units having online support.

This course is delivered by Pegasus International College (PIC), Vietnam through a partnership agreement with KW Education Pty Ltd trading as Pegasus UniCollege RTO 31984, (PUC). It is delivered and assessed entirely in English, with most units having online support.

This is really an amazing opportunity for young Vietnamese to travel to Nepal and Norway. Students will experience not only a cultural exchange but also Australia’s high-quality study program with a globally recognized certificate, SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality, with a focus on cookery.

At present, there are no occupational licensing, specific legislative or certification requirements which applies to this qualification.

TGA Link:

Stream Qualification Duration Advantages
Commercial Cookery SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality 11 months from August
  • Language of delivery: wholly delivered in English
  • Opportunities to study and explore Nepal and Norway
  • Study western cooking methods
  • Understand the rules of food hygiene and safety
  • Learn about Nepali and Vietnamese cuisine, practice barista skills


Delivery Period 11 months from August, including travel between countries [including Norway] internships, public holidays and term breaks.
Suitable for Pre-employment students who have completed Year 12 and want to further develop their hospitality skills and knowledge;
Individuals with minimal work experience but would like to develop their skills and knowledge to enhance their employment opportunities and/or would like to further their study in the Hospitality and Cookery areas;
Individuals who may possess meaningful experience in a range of hospitality areas but seek to further develop their skills across a wide range of Hospitality and Cookery functions.
Entry This course is open to Individuals from Vietnam or from other countries, who demonstrate an English proficiency level of CEFR B2 [IELTS 5.0 or equivalent], are at least 18 years of age and have satisfactorily completed Year 12 or equivalent.
All applicants will be interviewed as part of the entry procedure.
Work opportunities The qualification covers the skills and knowledge that provides a pathway to work in organizations such as restaurants, hotels, motels, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops. This qualification allows for multiskilling and for specialization in accommodation services, food and beverage, and cookery.
Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include espresso coffee machine operator, food and beverage attendant, function attendant, function host, guest service agent, cook, chef, or waiter.
Total training hours 1018 comprised of 353 classroom hours (up to 25 hours per week of lectures, tutorials, practical and simulated sessions) and 665 hours self-study [revision of in-class materials, additional study and research] and two internships of at least 6 weeks each – one in Nepal and one in Vietnam.
Class size Classes size is limited to about 20 students.
Internship The two 6-week internships at a 4 or 5 star rated hotel or resort are undertaken during the course and are an integral part of the qualification. Interns may be paid but is not guaranteed. The College will match the most suitable internship against the results, skills and interests of the student.
Scholarships As the travel and living expenses of this course are funded by NOREC, no scholarships are available.
Fees Please consult with Student Services for fees and instalments. Text books [where required] and personal stationery.
NOREC sponsorship

The NOREC sponsorship will cover:

• All official air travel Vietnam-Nepal-Norway-Nepal-Vietnam

• The cost of all visas and insurance

• Official accommodation in Pokhara and Danang plus utilities (electricity, water, gas, WiFi, etc). Students are required to stay in the designated accommodation for the duration of the program.

• Official travel and entertainment [including cultural events]

• Chef uniforms, cookery knife set

• A monthly allowance of approx. US$200 pm

NOREC will not cover:

• Any additional accommodation or travel arrangements during holidays outside the program

• Any personal spending beyond the monthly allowance.

• Tuition fees for the training program.

Further study pathway Student may go on to enroll in the 2-year SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management upon successfully completing the SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality. Full credit transfer will be given, thereby completing the SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management with only one year of further study
  This can be followed with a top-up degree – the Bachelor of Hospitality Management [or an equivalent degree such as Bachelor of Business] – this can be undertaken with a Pegasus university partner or college partner or other international university. The duration of this further study may be up to 2 years, depending on the university and/or country. Unless Pegasus has a specific articulation or credit transfer arrangement with the partner, application to study may be based on merit.

Để tốt nghiệp khóa học SIT30616 Chứng chỉ III ngành Khách sạn – Nhà hàng, bạn phải hoàn thành tối thiểu 15 môn [7 môn chính, cộng với 8 môn tự chọn]. Trong năm học này, khóa học bao gồm tổng cộng 17 môn. Lưu ý rằng, Pegasus có quyền thay đổi môn học tùy theo từng hoàn cảnh hoạt động cụ thể. Các môn học tự chọn này cũng có thể được điều chỉnh phù hợp với công việc và kết quả học tập cụ thể.

BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others
SITHCCC001 Use food preparation equipment
SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads
SITHCCC013 Prepare seafood dishes
SITHCCC021 Chế biết các món ăn đặc sản
SITHFAB005 Prepare and serve espresso coffee
SITHFAB007 Phục vụ thực phẩm và đồ uống
SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry
SITHIND004 Work effectively in hospitality service
SITHKOP001 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
SITHXCCS006 Cung cấp dịch vụ tới khách hàng
SITXCOM002 Show social and cultural sensitivity
SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices
SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills
SITXWHS001 Participate in safe work practices

  • Khai giảng tại cơ sở Đà Nẵng: TBA 
  • Hotline: 023 6730 1555
  • Khai giảng tại cơ sở Hà Nội: không triển khai
  • Hotline: 024 7304 1555
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